Age: 18 School: Middlebury College Location: Ho-Ho-Kus
Amanda Whiteley is an incredible photographer. I met her a year ago in England – where we were both studying acting – and it was then that I began to see just how uniquely talented she was not only as an actress but also as photographic storyteller.
It rained quite often and one day, as we were walking down the street, she suddenly kneeled next to a puddle to take a quick shot. I was utterly confused at first, then I saw the picture she took. That puddle was next to an architectural beauty which made an amazing reflection in the water at the right angle. Amanda saw all this while we were talking and took this as an opportunity to create a vibrant masterpiece. She says that she loves finding the extraordinary in plain objects that most people would normally overlook, I must say, she succeeded. Watch the video to learn more!
Amanda’s recent photography:
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